Kharita, the Arabic word for roadmap, is a symbolic search for ‘home’ that blends the real and the imagined. It is inspired by a string of questions: how to know where I am going; how to get there; and how to establish where I am. I combine images of the land, sea and night sky with ancient and modern relics and markings––all of which become navigational tools on this cryptic journey. Searching for a familiar language, I inscribe Arabic, Tamazight, and Phoenician alphabets along with found and invented symbols, charts and diagrams. I employ instruments of transmission and reception; I look to the moon and constellations for guidance. My constructed map raises the question: is my desired destination a physical place, is it imaginary, or is it simply a center from which I operate?
This work was made over a period of four years in Lebanon, Morocco, Spain and Portugal. Showing here is an excerpt of the 128-page self-published photobook.